
灵感 撤退 & 放松

Our guide to walking the 科罗曼德's captivating 10km walkway

Book Top 经历 and Tours in 奥克兰:
如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. Below are some of the top tours and experiences!
在科罗曼德尔半岛(科罗曼德 Peninsula)的尖端,一个诱人的步行通道可以获得适度的努力,并拥有美丽的土地景色, 海, 和天空.


After a relaxing two-hour ferry cruise from 奥克兰 city to 科罗曼德, 沿着石湾和弗莱彻湾之间这条历史悠久的十公里海岸小径,是近距离欣赏半岛风景的最愉快的方式之一.  Graded easy by the Department of Conservation, 对骑自行车和步行的人都开放, 它可以在任何一个方向上遵循, and there are DOC campsites at each end.

Getting Started On 科罗曼德尔海岸人行道

对于一日游的游客,建议使用当地的旅行社,他们会带你从 科罗曼德镇 to do the walk, and pick you up afterward.  沿着未封闭的道路,从城镇到任何一个海湾之间的车程都很慢, 使徒步成为一天的探险, but the driver's commentary of history, 地质, geography and gossip is interesting and entertaining, 风景总是很美.

Heading up the west coast to Fletcher Bay from 科罗曼德 小镇, you get your first taste of what is to come, 蔚蓝的大海在你左边的岩石上拍打着白色的浪花,远处是亚麻的边缘, while bush-clad hills rise to your right behind green farmland.

古怪的科尔维尔小镇是你最后一次喝咖啡的机会了, where you might also want to buy some treats for lunch.  Be sure to have a browse through the barn-red General Store, which sells everything from mung beans to nails.

当你继续沿着海岸行驶时, you'll pass the granite wharf at Parity, where the rock was hauled from the interior to be loaded onto scows, 为了建设 奥克兰战争纪念博物馆 and Post Office, and Wellington's Houses of Parliament.

更多天鹅绒般的棱纹山坡紧随其后, 点缀着绵羊, 牛, 还有野生火鸡, 这条路是一条长长的林荫道,头顶上悬挂着弯弯曲曲的菩提树.  它们在12月开红花的时候很壮观,但总是很雄伟, 构筑蓝海, 绿色的岛屿, 还有多石的海滩.  在闯过一些多岩石的浅滩之后, 你到达了路的尽头, and the start of the well-marked walkway, 开始你的徒步旅行.


Crossing farmland through manuka scrub, and encountering the first of many laid-back Angus 牛, you get views of inviting sandy beaches below.  当你到达山脊的顶端时,你会看到前方220米高的糖面包山的独特驼峰, with the Sugar Loaf Rocks and Pinnacles below it, and Great Barrier Island a looming presence not far away across 大海.  You'll take a break here at the old shepherd's hut, 它提醒你,你所走的这条路最初是毛利人和早期定居者的缰绳之路.

接下来是成熟的原始森林, 郁郁葱葱的尼考棕榈树, puriri, 和pohutukawa, and full of noisy birdlife before there's a short, 但陡峭, 降落到波利湾. Here are interesting pancake rocks which are reminders, 比如Sugar Loaf尖塔, 半岛的火山历史.

The stony beach isn't recommended for swimming, but the submerged rocks here don't put off the gannets, which can be seen diving like arrows into the water and a reminder, 如果你需要的话, 大概是午餐时间了.

Puffing afterward back up to the ridgeline, you have a pleasurable amble through the forest along towards Stony Bay. 对大海和悬崖的一瞥给了你动力,你需要沿着陡峭但短的侧道走出森林到达观察点, 从这里你可以360度欣赏到光秃秃的和森林覆盖的半岛丘陵, 大海, 以及小堡礁和大堡礁.  You might also be tempted to take the nearby detour down to Shag Bay.

从这里开始,有一个平缓的下降,到达石湾人行道的终点, 小溪是养鳗鱼的地方,你会发现自己又回到了路的尽头.  You'll either meet your pick-up back to 科罗曼德镇 or settle into your well-earned rest for the night at the DOC campsite.

更勇敢和精力充沛的人会选择另一条路线的起点,步行回弗莱彻湾, along the steeper and more challenging Stony Bay Mountain Bike track.

Getting To The 科罗曼德尔海岸人行道:

从市中心乘坐Fullers360轮渡经罗托罗亚岛前往科罗曼德尔.  It currently runs on Fridays and weekends: www.漂洗工.co.nz

有几个当地的运营商将运送您往返海岸人行道.  详细信息和半岛上的各种住宿选择, 以及对该地区许多其他活动的建议, 去 www.thecoromandel.com.